Friday, June 6, 2008

maybe maybe maybe

Don't get too excited, but I thought I might try this again.
I have recently realized that my scholastic ambitions are a little unrealistic in that the establishment expects me to take 49 credits of undergraduate work, along with the 32 credits of graduate work, to certify while gaining a masters in music education. I am not giving up by any means and I expect to have a definate heart to heart with my counselor, as soon as I can decide who that is exactly, to trim those credits down to a reasonable level. I may, however, shift my ambitions slightly to fit my particular skill set. Where can I work with a masters in music education, but without the teacher certification necessary to educate in the public primary and secondary institutions? Bear in mind that I cannot currently play my axe at the level with which I gained my performance based bachelors. I am going to find such a place and then decide if I want to be employed there; be it a charter or private school or teaching under the moniker of a qualified professional in the public sector. I believe this is possible, any helpful comments would be appreciated. Good night, and good luck.


Spencer said...

axe = sax-a-mo-phone (for those that may be unawares)
as far as school is concerned; whatever you do, do it well

Sariah said...

You can totally teach at a charter school without certification. And as far as public school... well, you'll have your master's and they'll love you for that. And you will get some kind of a free period to take the extra classes you need to get your proper certification. Usually. Oh, and those classes are usually like a weekend thing. They're dumb (Ches is in the middle of taking a bunch, like arizona constitution, to get his Arizona teaching certificate.), but you do what you gotta do.

Going back to school will be difficult, but I think you'll be awesome. And I'm jealous. I had to sit for two years and watch Ches go back to all the classes I wanted to take and play in groups that I wanted to play in and take private lessons and make new friends... I was the supportive, yet extremely jealous wife. :)

Sorry for butting in like I'm an expert. I know nothing. Ignore me at will.

Spencer said...

so I guess you were just joking when you said you were going to blog last night?